Posts tagged postnatal yoga
Why I Teach Baby and Me Yoga

Although I do NOT support the idea of “bouncing back” after labor & delivery, I knew that returning to a few familiar parts of myself was important as gradually moved into motherhood. For me, one of those parts was my yoga practice. I had to figure out how to integrate yoga into a new version of my life. One that involved a seemingly permanent (albeit tiny) ride along (I’m referring to my infant son…). And even though I have a partnership that strives for parental & domestic equity, and I already had a well established at home yoga practice, and my baby napped really, really well…I still couldn’t figure out how to make time for this important part of my life.

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The Sweet Exhaustion

There’s a great irony of motherhood and parenthood. It starts in pregnancy and it continues until (well, from my experience until at least age 7, but I suspect much, much longer than that.) The irony is that although I am less active (less fit, ahem), and my life offers more chances to be sedentary (all those early months sitting and nursing, rocking, nurturing baby, all the days now of watching soccer and gymnastics), I am always tired. Despite all that sitting and ostensible restfulness, I am wandering through life in need of deep, deliberate rest.

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4 Techniques for Relieving Upper Back & Neck Tension

Had a baby, and feeling a literal pain in your neck? You're not alone. This is one of the most common complaints among our postpartum students. Whole Mama Yoga Collective teacher Mary shares 4 simple techniques for relieving upper back & neck tension that you can start doing today!

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